Total Elbow Replacement
The elbow is an essential joint for regular everyday functioning, but it is susceptible to a variety of degenerative disorders as well as traumatic lesions or post-traumatic sequelae.
Although complete elbow replacement is less common than knee or hip replacement, it is just as effective in alleviating joint discomfort and allowing people to return to their favourite hobbies.
Because the elbow contains multiple moving parts that must be balanced with great accuracy to govern the movements of your forearm, elbow replacement surgery is a difficult procedure.
Problems ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to severe fractures can cause harm to your elbow. In some circumstances, the injury can be corrected medically. However, if the damage is severe, your doctor may suggest elbow replacement surgery. The most prevalent cause for having elbow replacement surgery is pain.
A surgeon replaces your elbow with an artificial joint consisting of two implants that link to the bones in your arm during elbow replacement. The implants are held together by a metal and plastic hinge.