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Triceps Tendinitis

Triceps Tendinitis

Tendons are a form of connective tissue that connects muscle to bone and allows for movement. The triceps muscle starts at the shoulder and runs down the back of the arm until it reaches the elbow. The triceps tendon connects the triceps muscle to the olecranon process at the elbow (a bony bump at the base of the elbow). When the triceps tendon becomes inflamed, it is known as triceps tendonitis.

Overuse or traumatic damage are the two most common causes of Triceps Tendonitis.


Elbow pain is the most prevalent symptom, which usually grows worse with activity. Pain may be present at rest in extreme cases, limiting mobility. Mild edema and/or weakening of the triceps muscle can occur


  • During the first two days of treatment, rest, ice, compression, and elevation (also known as the RICE regimen) should be used.
  • All activities that exacerbate the situation should be halted. Several times a day, apply a cold compress to the afflicted elbow for 15 to 20 minutes at a time.
  • If the elbow does not respond to conservative treatment or if the tendon is ruptured, surgery is indicated. The triceps tendon may be repaired or replaced, and the tendon may be reattached to the bone during the treatment. To protect the location and promote normal healing, the arm is immobilised in a cast or splint after surgery.